Features and integrations  


The Competition application lets users easily manage various competitions on their website, with features like customisable forms, real-time monitoring, and analytical reports. It integrates seamlessly with Coredna and requires no extra software or technical knowledge.

Customer or member directory

Index of users as a tool for finding other members can be created by storing and organizing user's profile information in a searchable list or database. Members can search and connect with others based on criteria like location, interests or keywords. Creating an index can foster a sense of community, aid in finding and contacting members, and enhance the overall user experience of the platform. Information is collected through registration and can be regularly updated, with additional features such as messaging or filtering.

Payment processing

Process payments, donations and memberships using a flexible payment system that can be tailored to the individual.

User Groups

The User Groups application is a feature that allows businesses to personalize content and experiences for different groups of users. This feature is useful for businesses that want to target specific segments of their audience or create customized content. The User Groups application allows businesses to store and manage user data in a highly configurable repository. Coredna offers additional tools and features to help businesses manage their web content and user data.


The Users application is a highly configurable repository for storing and managing user data, allowing businesses to manage large numbers of users and personalize content. Businesses can create and manage user profiles, store data, and customize experiences with the Users application. The Users application can be used in conjunction with User Groups and Registration to provide a robust interaction solution, enabling businesses to better understand their users and create more engaging experiences.

Registration/User groups

User registration option. Have users create a profile to gain access to gated areas of your site. Have them self select into "Interest Groups". Segment these users in content groups based on interactions and interests. 

Admin permissions

One key feature is assigning roles and permissions for controlling access to administrative features. Users can create custom roles and assign permissions, allowing website owners to offer specific access to users while maintaining control. CoreDNA is a flexible and customized framework that simplifies access control for website managers.